EAN (EAN Barcode)

EAN (EAN Barcode)

EAN (EAN Barcode) is a 13-digit number code by International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) explicitly for publishers, universities, libraries, and book retailers


Embossing is a technique used to create a raised or three-dimensional effect on a label surface. Embossing involves pressing a custom design or pattern onto the label material, creating a raised area that stands out from the rest of the label.

Embossing is accomplished by using a die with a custom design or pattern that is pressed into the label material under high pressure. The die can be either male, which creates a raised design, or female, which creates a depressed design. The label material is typically a soft, pliable material that can be easily molded and retains the embossed shape.

Embossing can be used to add visual interest and texture to a label design, making it stand out on the shelf and giving it a premium, high-quality appearance. Embossed labels can also be used to highlight specific text or images on the label, such as a brand name or logo, and create a tactile experience for the consumer.

Embossing can be combined with other printing techniques, such as foil stamping or printing, to create a more complex and visually appealing label design. Different types of embossing techniques can be used to create various effects, including blind embossing, where the design is embossed without any ink or foil, or registered embossing, where the design is aligned with printed or foiled elements.

Overall, embossing is a popular technique used in adhesive label printing to add texture, dimension, and visual interest to a label design, and can be an effective way to enhance the branding and visual appeal of a product.

Eyemark (Black Mark)

Eyemark (Black Mark) is a rectangular area, commonly found near the edge of the label material, which automatically controls the position of the material for separation and cutting